With summer well and truly started we have the top tips on how to plan the perfect party.
Whether you are looking to impress your friends with a sophisticated summer party or wanting to arrange a chaotic barbecue bash, party planning can be hard. That’s why we at IWOOT have broken down the five steps to making sure your party goes off with a bang.

Choose Your Vibe
When planning the #IWOOTDADS event we really wanted to make sure that everything sat together. That’s why we decided to go for a quirky retro theme. Everything from our invites to our music choice was in line with the theme and in turn, everything made sense. Now you don’t have to go as far as choosing a theme, but having a general vibe for your party works really well. Is your party a cool boho get together or is it more of a formal event? Once you have answered this question it will help you to decide on other factors, like where to have your party, what food to serve, who to invite.
Be Picky
Take time planning your guest list. It might be fun to invite all of your Facebook contacts but ultimately, how well do they all know each other. Remember as the host or hostess it is your job to ensure that everyone is getting on. Make your own job easier by inviting groups that know each other or who have similar interests. A great technique is to invite people in waves. That way people have time to get to know each other before the next batch of friends comes in.
Break the Ice
When setting up, think about how your guests can make the most of the space. At the IWOOT event, we wanted to showcase our favourite IWOOT products, but a room full of merch is pretty boring. Instead of having tables of static products, we decided to present our products in a way in which our guest could interact with them. Everyone raved about our Giant Paladone Beer Pong and we received tonnes of photos of from our Special Selfie Stand. If you are inviting people who don’t know each other, help to break the ice with fun games.

Paladone Beer Pong

Paladone Selfie Booth
Let Them Eat Cake
When planning your food keep the location and guest list in mind. Fine dining doesn’t really work when you are sat in a fold-out chair on someone’s back lawn. Barbecues are a great way of catering for large numbers of people but remember to cater for all your guests' needs. There are some great vegetarian and vegan barbecue recipes out there, but make sure that when you are preparing these foods that they don’t come into contact with other animal produce.
One Last Treat
Everyone loves a party bag no matter what your age. Treat your guests to an extra something at the end of the night. Pick n Mix, pocket torches, and yo-yos are a great (and cheap) way of ensuring that people remember your party. It’s also a great way of getting rid of any unwanted leftovers.

Gift Bags
Hopefully, these tips and tricks will make you the perfect party planner this summer. Show us your party style on social with the #IWOOT hashtag.