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The New Black Friday: What is Singles Day?

The New Black Friday: What is Singles Day?
Johnny Bowles
Writer and expert7 years ago
View Johnny Bowles's profile

As the festive season gets closer, the inevitable rush to find the

perfect gifts

is now in full swing and Singles Day might just be your saviour! With Black Friday only a few weeks away people are already starting to scope out the hottest upcoming deals and dreaming of the bargains they’ll hopefully nab on the big day. But what if there was another day that could potentially have just as big offers allowing you to make even more savings ahead of the Christmas rush? Well allow me to introduce you to Singles Day!

What is Singles Day?

“But wait, Roddy!” I hear you cry; what is Singles Day? Singles Day is a relatively new festival coined up by young Chinese people, in its most basic form, as a celebration of being single. This is celebrated on the 11th of November due to the significance of the number “1” as being independent, individual and unique (11/11). Whilst this may seem particularly confusing to Western ideas (after all we fawn over the romanticism associated with

Valentine’s Day

), in its simplest form it’s actually pretty amazing. Before the immediate ideas of sitting alone eating a tub of Ben and Jerrys while watching

The Notebook

creep into your mind (we’ve all been there), it’s important to mention that this is often celebrated with gatherings and parties, speed dating nights, meals out with friends and huge shopping events. Doesn't sound as bleak and depressing as you originally thought, right?

dinner party occuring on singles day
Image sourced via

Is Singles Day the new Black Friday?

In recent years, Chinese retailers have capitalised on these celebrations and used it as an excuse to offer huge discounts to their customers. Similar to Black Friday in Western society, this has now become a huge shopping day with some online retailers having their most

successful shopping days

of the year. Whilst this is not a huge feature in UK society just yet, more and more retailers are beginning to jump on to this new trend and giving their customers even more reason to celebrate their independence and uniqueness with some huge savings ahead of the holiday rush. We can’t promise this will take off in the UK but if it does, you heard it here first folks!

Shopping bags mounting up from singles day offers.
Image sourced via

Are IWOOT doing anything for Singles’ Day?

We’re keeping this one a closely guarded secret for the time being! Want to be the first to know about any Singles’ Day offers? Sign up to our



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and never miss out on our huge offers. But remember, Black Friday is only a few weeks away and we’ll definitely have some BIG deals for you…watch this space!

All images sourced via

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Johnny Bowles
Writer and expert
View Johnny Bowles's profile