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Switch Console

Enjoy your favourite video games as you’ve never seen them before with IWOOT’s wide range of Nintendo consoles, game bundles and accessories such as controllers.

A Leader In Gaming

Founded in 1889, Nintendo is one of the biggest names in the video-game industry. Over the course of many decades, they have created a number of popular franchises: Pokémon, Metroid, The Legend Of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Donkey Kong, Mario, Pikmin, and more.

Based out of Japan, the company was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi, who called it Nintendo Karuta. A craftsman by trade, Yamauchi started off manufacturing hanafuda playing cards. However, in the late ‘70s, the company made their first video-game console, the Color TV-Game. Games such as Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros helped catapult Nintendo into the big leagues, where they have remained a leading competitor in the industry.

Since the release of the Color TV-Game, Nintendo has distributed some of the most popular consoles in history: the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), the Nintendo DS, the Wii, and the Nintendo Switch.

Unlike other companies, Nintendo is known to take big risks with its consoles. Whether that involves non-traditional controllers (like the Wii remote) or a hybrid platform (as seen with the Switch), their hardware is anything but by the numbers. For this reason, fans have flocked towards their newest releases with eagerness, excited to take on Bowser in the latest Mario or save Zelda in Link’s many adventures.

Switch It Up

If you know someone who can’t take a breather from Nintendo consoles and Nintendo Switch controllers — whether that be the Wii or Switch — this page is best place to find inspired gifts for gamers. Prepare for any special events, and don’t forget to check out our special offers!