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Cyber Monday Ice Cream Maker

Mr Whippy ice cream only comes once a year, but why miss out when you can make your own at home with Mr Creations Ice Cream Machine. Create the perfect soft serve, just like the ones you get by the seaside and share the fun with your whole family. 

Our ice cream bundle comes with a party pack and a pack of syrups including five flavours. 

Fun With The Family

DIY ice cream is a really fun activity to do with the kids. It can double up as a fun science experiment. How does powder turn to ice? This activity will not only bring fun for the kids but also an educational piece. Creating up to 350ml of soft-scoop ice cream at once, in less than 30 minutes, you'll be serving up ice cream in no time. 

Perfect to make on a hot day but also great for hosting parties. Don't just wait for summer, throw the ultimate ice cream party today and wow your guests.

There's something on IWOOT for both adults and kids, so if you need inspiration for Christmas presents our Cyber Monday deals is just the beginning.