Review Guidelines
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Write a review on any of our products to enter our monthly prize draw.
Remember that when you write a review it should be to help other people decide whether or not they should buy the product, so please make it as interesting and informative as possible.
When submitting a review, please adhere to these guidelines to ensure your review is accepted as quickly as possible:
- No libelous comments.
- No swearing.
- You must include your correct email address.
- No comments pertaining to this, or any other, web site.
- No remarks that repeat criminal accusations.
- Reviews should not be just a couple of words e.g. 'great film'.
- No remarks aimed at other individual's reviews.
- Your review should be about the title in question, not any other title.
- No personal or critical remarks aimed at the film studio, director(s) or artist(s).
- The review must be entirely your own work.
- You may not post comments which might be considered defamatory, blasphemous, racist or incendiary.
- No reviews containing telephone numbers, postal addresses or web site addresses (URLs).
- No comments relating to or aimed at any retailer listed on this, or any other, web site.
- Reviews must be less than 8,000 characters (letters).
- No reviews that give away important parts of the plot (spoilers).
- No reviews that are posted on another web site.