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Hover 1 Hoverboards and Scooters

Want to get around in style? Now’s your chance – get your hands on a Hover 1 hoverboard or electric scooter at IWOOT UK today. Specialists in the coolest looking hoverboards which have been quite a hit recently, it makes for endless fun and helps you get out to enjoy some fresh air in a unique way. Get on board with the greatest and latest sensation and shop our fantastic Hover 1 offers now!

Not Your Ordinary Scooters

Scooters are something of a retro mode of transport - you probably had one growing up, and since most of them would be made of some kind of metal, they'd rust overtime after being left outside, leading to them being a bit neglected. Well, you don't need to worry about that with these - Hover-1, on the other hand, are bringing them right into the modern world with a twist – they're electric! Simply charge your scooter and enjoy up to five miles of zooming around, looking like the coolest kid on the block.

You will be able to cruise around these impressive pieces of kit at up to ten miles per hour, too. If the features weren’t enough to convince you, then the designs certainly will. Available in a range of vivid colours and finishes, they also feature LED lights to keep you visible whilst you’re out and about. They’ve also been designed to fold away when not in use, making them easy and convenient to store.

No-Hands Hoverboard Technology

Show off your moves and hop on-board the Hover-1 hoverboard. Accelerate and brake safely and smoothly and speed around up to 7.4 miles per hour for up to 3.6 miles on a single charge. Both the hoverboard and electric scooters also feature Bluetooth technology so you can stick your favourite playlists on and really take a day out to the next level. Ideal for enjoying at parks or open spaces away from roads, Hover-1 are bringing you out of this world transportation that are perfect gifts for kids on their birthday or Christmas.

Don’t miss out and browse the range now!