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Cards Against Humanity Games

Take home one of the world's most popular adults card games with IWOOT UK’s officially licensed range of Cards Against Humanity card packs products, featuring a variety of games included in our selection.

If you are looking for a game that will leave you in hysterics for hours, this is by far the best place to start – providing goodies suitable for birthdays, Christmases, and all other events you have lined up in your calendar.

Here you will find Cards Against Humanity products in all forms, available for a competitive price and shipped to you promptly after purchase.

Start browsing today, and begin your deep dive into our page!

Perfect For Immature Adults

Cards Against Humanity is an adult party game that originated from a Kickstarter campaign in 2011. The game has a very simple principle. Players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using words or phrases. The funnier your card matchup is, the more likely you will win the round!

The card choices you are given are usually offensive or politically incorrect. However, this will in fact give you a bigger chance of winning the game. Its title refers to the phrase "crimes against humanity", reflecting on its content.

Humanity’s Finest Deals

Get your hands on some of the best Cards Against Humanity products at IWOOTUK. With our phenomenal prices and exclusive deals, there has never been a better time to truly purchase a set!

Are you looking for a game suitable for the younger generation? Not to worry, we also offer the family edition from Cards Against Humanity, ideal for ages 8+.

(Remember to come back to the page often to keep up to date on all the latest releases.)