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Find the latest releases from Bose headphones right here at IWOOT UK, and browse through our extensive catalogue of officially licensed Bose products.

If you want to get a superb gift for a friend or family member, look no further! We have a huge range of headphones that are suitable for everyone.

This is the best page to start preparing for a birthday, Christmas, or any other event around the corner.

We aim to provide fans with the most incredible prices available on the market, allowing you to listen to your favourite music on the best Bose headphones around.

The Best Headphones

Bose Corporation is a manufacturing company that mainly sells and creates audio equipment. The company was established by Amar Bose in 1964, founded in Massachusetts.

Bose headphones offer exceptional comfort, attractive designs, high-level sound quality, and noise cancellation. What more do you need from the premium headphones?

The first Bose headphones were the "QuietComfort" (also now known as the QC1) over-ear headphones. They were released in 2000, with the success leading to other releases in the headphone series. In 2004, they added the noise-cancelling function.

The "QuietComfort 2" (QC2) over-ear headphones were sold from 2003 until 2009 as the successor to the QC1.

We now have some of the latest additions from the QuietComfort series in our catalogue of headphones, as well as a variety of colours for you to choose from.

Start Your Bose Collection!

You can findan excellent line-up of official Bose headphones at IWOOT UK — ideal for any audio nerd or music fan.

Whether you want tojam out to your tunes with the highest quality audio,listento mobile apps,orspeak to your friends on consoles,the choice is yours.

What are you waiting for? Start your search today with our Bose headphones page, and discover limited-time deals, multi-buy offers, andgreat prices.